Student Comments Montage …
Train With the Multi-Award Winning Permanent Makeup Academy
What Past Students Think About Training At The Permanent Makeup Training Academy
Name, County
Advanced Student Travels All the Way From South Africa
With One on One you concentrate more, you take in more, you are more hands on, you really get more benefit doing one on one.
Thanks a million to Katy, she has changed my life, my thinking, my methods, making it much easier steps and reference points and much simpler, a new gained confidence and look forward to getting back to use it all.
Rene, South Africa
Day 1 of Advanced Training Actually much easier and simpler and better penetration in the lips. Her method is much quicker and smoother and she does the graduation of colouring which is absolutely superb. I’ve never seen it done like that before. I’m going to go back and start doing that.
Day 2 of Advanced Training – It was absolutely wonderful and with Katy’s fool proof method, her brows looked absolutely stunning. … It’s been worth every single cent doing this course, I’ll be making my money back when I get back home.
Day 3 of Advanced Training – My training in South Africa wasn’t as intense as what I got from Katy. The brows we worked on today were stunning, absolutely stunning. The way she taught you to shape and getting everything symmetrical was absolutely stunning.
Student Comment …
I wanted to get back into work after having my children and my sister trained here at the academy about 6 months ago and we thought it may be a great idea for me to do it as well, my sister is really enjoying it, she is really busy which is great
Emma, London
Day 1 – We’ve been practicing hair strokes on the dummy head, we’ve only worked on it for half an hour and I have an almost perfect set of hair stroke eyebrows. Tomorrow we are going to add to it to perfect it with some feather strokes. I’m really enjoying it, I feel really comfortable holding the needle, which I didn’t think I would be so quickly. It’s great.
TV Brow Expert from Croatia
I did have a look at quite a lot of companies and one of the most important things that drew me to your company is the one to one training and the amount of experience that Katy had and the way you presented yourself. I think it is really straight forward and what you see is what you get. With other companies they were not that straight forward. I’ve done quite a few visits to professional beauty exhibitions and I was looking really to find a good company, but I am just so thrilled that I’ve made the right decision.
Manuella, Croatia
Day 1 – It’s been absolutely amazing, I think I have discovered my new first love. You guys have been amazing and I’ve learnt so much in just about 8.5 hrs. I’m looking forward to introducing this to my regular clients. I can’t wait to get their eyebrows permanently made up.
Day 2 – We did a really amazing job. Katy did help me a bit but most of the eyebrows were done by myself and I’m really happy about them. And the client was over the moon with them as well. Katy really explained everything so perfectly so you don’t really get so nervous or shaky or anything, it was just really exciting.
Day 4 – This course was absolutely amazing. It was just greater than any expectations I ever had. I learnt so much and I would highly recommend it to anybody who is thinking of starting as a permanent makeup artist. It was really worth the trip from Croatia, and I thought you guys were absolutely amazing. You’ve taught me so much and not just about techniques but also about marketing and my staff that I just didn’t think that I was going to learn.
Student Comment
Tracy, Bromley
Assessment Day – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Student Comments
Sack Your Boss in Under A Month - I Did !! I was doing sort of an admin job which I needed to get out of and just focus on my beauty. I was going to give myself 6 months and in the last month I have already done it.
Jade, Kent
6 Month After Training – Following on from my training, just doing the case studies and things like that I had more than enough people to cover the money I would have been earning doing that second job. So I’ve been able to afford to give it up and just carry on focusing on the permanent makeup side.
The last couple of weeks have been absolutely crazy busy, but I’m loving every minute of it, it’s great, and the clients love it.
Assessment Day – Today has been really helpful, I just feel like I can go out there now and get on. I just want to practice everything that I have sort of topped up on today, couple of new techniques as well, more advanced techniques, so really happy. Now I just need to cut down on the beauty side of work and put the business advice into use.
Student Comment
Before with the previous training company the confidence was taken away from me. I just thought to myself I know I can do it but I just needed a company that was supportive. This training was absolutely amazing, now I’m totally confident about what I do, where as before I wasn’t!
Jo, North East
3 Month Update – It’s been really really good. I’m really pleased. I’ve done quite a few browse and all the other bits and pieces so I’m really really happy. I’m very confident and I know I have the support with yourselves. I can ring anytime and I know you will always get back to me if you are in a meeting. But you always get back to me straight away. so yes, absolutely amazing.
Student Comment
I choose you over all the other training companies because of the one to one training really. That really made the difference. I did have some reservations as I had no beauty background, but it was really really good. It comes natural. I think if you put it in your mind to it and you want to do it then the skies the limit.
Clare, London
Day 1 – It’s been Amazing, really good actually and I just can’t stop smiling
Day 2 – I just finished my first set of eyebrows and I’m feeling quite empowered now. Initially I thought about training about 5 years ago and then I kind of brushed it off. But I stopped working about 6 months ago and I’ve been thinking about it constantly and now I feel like I have wasted 6 months. I should have been here ages ago!
Day 4 – When I first saw the videos reviews on the website I first thought they were fake, but now I’m one of them and I’ve met a few of them too, so they are not fake, trust them, they do actually exist, and I’m not fake. It really went by so quick, I wish I could stay. It’s been a really great experience and I wouldn’t have changed anything, I definitely made the right decision in the end.
Assessment Day – Just 3 Months Later …
My biggest tip so far was £100. The minimum was £10 and then £100 just for being happy, plus on top of paying which is really good. My portfolio is now full and it’s been really amazing. I can’t believe I’m now really doing it. It’s crazy, I am so confident now
Assessment Day – You keep on giving and you give and you receive and everybody gives and people have been really excited to give a testimonial about work I’ve done. And once they are happy, I’m happy and we are all happy.
It’s been the best thing ever. I sleep in, I work as much as I need to, it’s really good. Life is a lot easier. I can’t wait until summer as I think this is how it’s meant to be really.
I really did look around at training and it took me 6 months to really decide on where to train and once I found Kate I knew it was her. I would recommend everyone to her. I should be giving her some extra money for the patience and teaching me, and she has been really great.